Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Day I Met Our Neighbor Lady...

     I feel the need to preface this story with a few facts about our house. At the time of this particular incident, we still had the original front door on our home. We had added a deadbolt to try and keep the boys from opening the door, however it took them zero seconds to figure out how to turn the latch and escape. So in addition to the regular lock and deadbolt we decided to install a latch about a foot down from the top of the door that also had to be released in order for it to open.

     With that said, I had to go to the bathroom. Bad. It was early afternoon, the boys had just gotten up from naps and were playing in the living room. I went in and shut the door about half way. I did my business and tried flushing the toilet. However the lever wasn't working. I took lid off the top and noticed the chain had disattached. I pulled up my sleeves and reached my arm in to fix it and hear, "Hello... Hello?". It was a woman's voice. Unfamiliar. I run into the living room and see a lady standing there inbetween my boys. She see's the confusion on my face and begins explaining how she had seen the boys in the driveaway trying to get into our car and came right over when she realized there were no adults outside with them. I begin babbling about how I was in the bathroom and that the doors were locked, how could this happen, ect. She points to the recliner that was now pushed up against the wall next to the door, indicating the culprit. At this point, the boys run over to the chair, shouting "See Momma, see!" So very proud of their latest achievement.

     I was at a loss for words. She could see that, and kindly introduced herself. I thanked her about 100 times in a matter of minutes. Feeling my embarrassment and guilt, she shared a story with me about her kids breaking out of her house when they were younger. She said her nieghbor lady brought her kids home atleast once a week and was happy to return the favor.

     Love thy neighbor. Seriously!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Day My Dell Died...

     So... as I'm sure most of you know, trying to do anything personal like going to the bathroom or taking a shower can be a bit tricky with toddlers (my little boys are 2 & 3). For those of you who are lucky enough to have kids who are completely content in watching cartoons or playing with toys while you're in there... Well, good for you! I on the otherhand do not have that luxury. There could be a 6 foot icecream cone standing in our living room and that would not deter them from their seek & destroy missions.

     On this particular afternoon all seemed to be going well. Both boys took good naps and were having a snack while watching Nick Jr. I took this as my opportunity to try and get a shower in. Not a long shower like the good ol' pre-kids days... but the quick 3-5min shower with both bathroom doors open so I could  hear any abnormalities... You know the uh-oh sounds like the fridge opening, water running, the microwave beeping or eggs cracking. Yes, I said eggs cracking... I'll share that story another time.

     I took my shower, peeked out of the bathroom and all seemed to be going well. They were still  enjoying their snack and glued to the tube. I quickly dressed and took advantage of the situation by deciding it was safe to blow dry my hair. Big Mistake. I have short hair, so it doesn't take much more than a few minutes to blow dry. As I walked out of the bathroom, I noticed both boys sitting at our kitchen counter. This isn't incredibly unusual as this is where they color. However, there were no crayons or coloring books out. In fact, the only thing on our counter that day was my laptop and two little boys. I heard something small hit the hardwood floors below them. I couldn't tell what it was. Small, black, square shaped. I bent over to pick it up and it was the letter Q. To be more specific it was the key for the letter Q that had only a few minutes prior been intact on my keyboard. I look up and there was one boy on each side of my computer, smiling and laughing while plucking the keys off my poor Dell. I've never tried plucking keys off a keyboard, but apparently it isn't very difficult. I stood there in disbelief. I couldn't even say anything at first. I mean, I suppose "Stop It" would have been appropriate, however I was afraid if I opened my mouth, that's not what would have come out. Instead I sent them to Time Out while I frantically scavenged around my kitchen trying to find every last key.

Below is a photo I took of the Dell right after it happened. I thought it would be easier to "show" my husband what happened, instead of explaining it over the phone while he was at work. He was impressed...


     Hi There!! My name is Amber and I am a mom to 3 boys and the wife to a musician/bartender.  Wanna trade?! Ha! Just kidding... barely. My purpose here is to share my stories... you know the really good ones that make you want to trade in your kids for a trip to Tahiti and your husband for an Open Bar Tab. Yep, those kind! I figure the only way to truly appreciate your life during the not so great times is to laugh at it. If you're like me, you may not laugh at these times right away... in fact you may grow horns and a tail and then go to bed feeling like the worst parent/wife/friend in the world. BUT the next day you wake up, call your girlfriend and tell her about the horrific time you had the day before only to hear laughter on the other end. Let's face it, laughter is contagious and after trying to convince her that it's NOT FUNNY you end up giggling too and all is right with the world again. At least until the kids wake up from their naps that is... So please laugh at my expense and don't forget to share your stories in the comment section so I can return the favor!